"People power is working- the date for roundabout repairs draws nearer" Craig Gamble Pugh, labour Councillor, East Ecclesfield Ward
Craig Gamble Pugh, labour Councillor, East Ecclesfield Ward

Long awaited road repairs have been brought forward by many months following a campaign by a local councillor and residents.

After a year-long campaign, repairs to the two roundabouts in the centre of Chapeltown, Sheffield, described by campaigners as “dangerous”, will now be done much sooner than recently announced.

The move has been hailed as “people power” by Labour Councillor Craig Gamble Pugh: “The state of these roundabouts has been one of the most raised issues with me by local residents. In 2023, I hosted a petition on my website to help local people express their strength of feeling,”

“Amey, the council’s contractor, agreed to do path repairs, but I felt that this was not adequate so contacted them again to make this case. They announced in Spring 2024 that they would complete a full resurface during this financial year- however that could have taken it up to the end of March 2025,”

“I contacted them again urging them to act more swiftly. I’m pleased to report that they have now confirmed the works will be scheduled for the school Summer holidays.

“However, ion order to make sure the schedule doesn’t slip, I’m urging people to continue to sign the petition so there can be no doubt of the strength of feeling on this important local issue.”

Petition to resurface Chapeltown Roundabouts

We the undersigned call on Amey to entirely resurface both roundabouts in Chapeltown

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