"Chapel Road needs action to reduce speeding" Bridget Kelly, East Ecclesfield candidate
Bridget Kelly, East Ecclesfield candidate

You may be aware that since his election last year, local Labour Councillor Craig Gamble Pugh has successfully secured the Burncross 20mph zone for our area. However, despite him pushing at Committee level, this scheme will not include Chapel Road, which we know is where the main issue is. The Highways department said that Chapel Rd itself did not meet the criteria to be 20 miles per hour- but I feel that it will be important to monitor speeds along Chapel Road and press for further enforcement.

We’ve set up a petition calling for action to be taken to reduce speeding along Chapel road. Please sign it below.

We worked hard to secure this 20mph zone for Burncross because we want to see a fairer share of investment coming here, and we will continue to back local residents.

You may also be interested in the Ecclesfield and Chapeltown Traffic Action Group (ECTAG) set up by Bridget Kelly to work towards an overall plan to tackle traffic problems across our area- let us know below if you’d like to get involved.

Chapel Road Speeding Petition

We the undersigned support calls for more monitoring, enforcement and action to reduce speeding on Chapel Road

  • Bridget Kelly and other concerned residents have set up this campaign group to lobby for a strategic approach to traffic safety in our communities. You can be involved just by joining the facebook group or maling list. If you'd be interested in helping organise the group, let us know.
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